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What Is an Electric Car? An electric car, is a mechanical vehicle used for transportation that works on electricity. But EVs are very good for the planet because they don't pollute, so it should be that important to clean up their act and help make keep our air cleaner. Regular cars, in contrast, are polluting as soon as they drive. Electric cars on the other hand produce no pollution! — that is awesome for our environment
After all, you do not like to wait long for recharging your electric car when it is on the run. You obviously want to keep driving without any gaps! You can do that with a 25kw charger. Quick and dependable, which in turn lets you cruise around town with your electric car without the dreaded range anxiety.
When you plug in your electric car, chances are that the faster it charges up - the better. That is where you need a 25kw charger! All high power chargers that deliver a lot of current prior to being throttled are also great fast chargers and vice versa, since they can fill up your EV with rapidly lots available energy in just few minutes.
Imagine that you are on a long drive to your grandma´s house. It’s a really long journey! People are afraid that their electric car will run out of juice, but fuss not. You can, therefore stop at a 25kw charger and do quick refuel your car. You can then continue to drive and enjoy your grandmas company!
There is a time I artificial charge of 25kw to get your car up and this actually turns into something positive for the Earth. You are powering your car with clean energy and on top of that not polluting the air! This not only makes your driving experience convenient, but also environment-friendly.
And you might be saying, "But electric cars are expensive to buy in the first place?" Yes, they can be pricey. That said, charging into a 25kw charger should still save you money in the long term. That can add up a lot over time and as you will not have to buy so much of gas.
25kw-charger, with special technology to provide a lot of energy in a very short period into your car - instead of just 3.7-22kW as provided by chargers for private home doestmatic electric appliances It,s like a turbocharger for your electric car While you can just about always count on a fast top-up to 80% in half an hour using the new standard, it should also give drivers who have made the EV jump peace of mind that they will be able to charge their cars up live and unplugged.
EV zaryadlovchi qurilmalari, 25 kVt quvvatga ega elektr zaryadlovchi qurilmasi, chiplar, quvvat modullari boshqaruv bloklari va zaryadlashni boshqarish tizimlari kabi komponentlarni ishlab chiqish va ulardan foydalanish bo'yicha asosiy texnologiya boshlig'i. EV zaryadlovchi zavodi qurilishini qo'llab-quvvatlash, Re-label/OEM/Original ishlab chiqaruvchi biznes hamkori, Qurilish EV zaryadlash stansiyasi uchun muhandislik texnik yordami.
Qoziq mahsulotlarini zaryad qilish uchun OEM / ODM moslashtirilgan xizmatlarini qo'llab-quvvatlang. Har xil zaryadlash usullarini qo'llab-quvvatlash. Tez to'g'ridan-to'g'ri zaryadlovchi qoziqlar zaryadlovchi qurilmalari 25 kVt quvvatga ega bo'lgan energiya modellarining zaryadlovchi qurilmasi. U 12V dan 24V gacha o'zgarishi mumkin. Biz quvvati 3.5 kVt dan 640 kVtgacha bo'lgan qoziqlarni zaryadlash uchun quvvat diapazonidagi mahsulotlarning to'liq assortimentini taklif etamiz. Bir nechta mahsulotlar GB va Idoralar sertifikatidan o'tdi. Zaryadlovchi qoziqlar kompaniyaning o'zi tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan zaryadlashni boshqarish tizimi bilan tartibga solinishi mumkin, boshqa boshqaruv platformalari bilan ulanishi mumkin va tizimning ulkan ma'lumotlar monitoringi stansiyalar faoliyatini samarali qo'llab-quvvatlashi mumkin. Mahsulotni qat'iy sinovdan o'tkazish Biz barcha mahsulotlarni, shu jumladan tuz purkash sinovini, shuningdek, elektr quvvati sinovlarini, suv o'tkazmaydigan sinovni, radiatsiya ta'qib qilish sinovini tashish sinovini va hokazolarni manbada zaryadlash qoziqlarining sifatini ta'minlash uchun qattiq sinovlarni o'tkazamiz.
Kuchli texnik qobiliyat 25 kVt quvvatga ega elektr zaryadlovchi qurilmasini ishlab chiqish. Ar-ge xodimlari 60% ni tashkil qiladi, ular asosiy texnologiya bo'yicha mutaxassislar, jarayonning yuqori sifatli nazoratini ta'minlaydi (mustaqil AR-GE, ishlab chiqarish, sotish) Biz bir martalik xizmat ko'rsatish dizaynini Ar-ge ishlab chiqarishni o'rnatishni taklif qilamiz, sotishdan keyin yaxshi ishlaydi. Kompaniya qo'llaniladi 105 marta patentlar 107 ta intellektual mulk huquqi (107 tasi berilgan) va 212 ta boshqa intellektual mulk huquqlari. Butun dunyo bo'ylab 100 dan ortiq kompaniyalar hamkorlik aloqalarini o'rnatish.
regular inspections information accumulation, we capable 25kw ev charger efficient troubleshooting.Continuous product improvement: The technical department summarize the charging pile issue update the product continuously, carry out the product regular basis.Professional after-sales technical team: We stable technical core team, the amount the technical team accounts over 60 percent the total numbers the company employee, they've been the industry charging pile technology number years, they provide reliable effective technical assistance.