Introducing the 19.2 kW EV Charger: The Ultimate Charging Solution for Your Electric Vehicle
Are you tired of searching for a reliable and efficient electric vehicle charger? Look no further than the 19.2 kW EV Charger - An innovative and safe charging solution perfect for any electric car owner, along with PINGALAX's product електричне станице за пуњење. We will explore the advantages, innovation, safety features, and application of this high-quality charger for your EV.
First and foremost, the 19.2 kW EV Charger is designed to provide a faster charging experience for your electric vehicle. With a whopping 19.2 kW output, you will be able to charge your EV up to 10 times faster than a standard Level 1 charger. This not only saves you time but also saves you money on your energy bill.
Additionally, the 19.2 kW EV Charger is versatile and compatible with a wide range of electric car models, the same as Кућни пуњач од 22кв by PINGALAX. You will not have to worry about finding a charger that is specifically designed for your EV - This charger can do it all. This ease and convenience make it the ultimate charging solution for any electric car owner.
The 19.2 kW EV Charger is not your ordinary electric car charger. It comes packed with innovative features that make it stand out from the competition. For example, this charger is equipped with a dynamic display screen that provides real-time information on your charging progress, similar to the PINGALAX's product like тип 2 ев пуњач. You will be able to see the current charging voltage, current, and time remaining for a complete charge.
Another innovative feature of the 19.2 kW EV Charger is its sleek design. This charger is compact, making it easy to install in your garage or driveway. Plus, it is design complements any electric car, so it will not look out of place in your home.
Safety is important when it comes to charging your electric car, and the 19.2 kW EV Charger does not disappoint in this regard, just like the ев станица за пуњење аутомобила from PINGALAX. This charger is equipped with advanced safety features that protect you and your electric vehicle from any potential harm.
For starters, the charger has a built-in ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) that detects any ground faults in the charging system and shuts it off immediately. Additionally, it has an automatic shut-off feature that prevents overcharging and over-voltage, which can be damaging to your vehicle.
Using the 19.2 kW EV Charger is simple and straightforward, as well as the PINGALAX's ев пунионице. All you need to do is plug the charger into a compatible outlet, connect the charger to your electric vehicle, and start charging. The dynamic display screen provides real-time information on your charging status, making it easy to monitor your charging progress.
Мастер самоистраживања основне технологије пуњача за електрична возила, производње и коришћења енергетских модула, чипова, контролних јединица, система за управљање пуњењем. Подржавамо изградњу 19.2 кв ев пуњача, ОЕМ/ОДМ/Поновну етикету пословног партнера, инжењерску технику Подршка за изградњу станице за пуњење електричних возила.
Кроз акумулацију информација о инспекцијама пуњача од 19.2 кв ев, у могућности смо да обезбедимо ефикасно решавање проблема. Континуирано понављање производа: Техничко одељење анализира проблеме са гомилом пуњења стално ажурира производ и редовно спроводи производ. Услуге техничке подршке након продаје Наш технички тим је стабилан технички тим чини више од 60% од укупног броја запослених у нашем пословању. Они годинама раде на пољу пуњења, способни су да пруже професионалне поуздане техничке услуге.
Support OEM/ODM customized services for 19.2 kw ev charger. Allows various charging methods.Fast charging piles chargers DC compatible with 99.99 percent of the new models available. Supports switching between 12V/24V. Charge piles with powers ranges ranging from 3.5kW to 640kW be found. Several products have passed GB and CE certifications. Charge piles can be sets up using charging management systems that is self-developed and can be linked other managements platforms and the system's massive data monitoring could provides reliable support for the operations of the stations. Testing of products strictly We perform rigorous tests to all products, such as salt spray test as well as electrical performances tests, testing for waterproof, radiation harassment test, transportations tests, etc. In order to guarantees the quality of the charging piles. We source the charging.
19.2 kw ev charger capabilities research development. R&D personnel contribute 60%, mastering the core technology, ensuring high-quality control stage the process (independent R&D, production, sales)We offer single-stop service, beginning design R&D manufacturing installation, after-sales operation.The company applied 212 intellectual property rights (107 approved) well 105 patentsMore 100 companies worldwide formed relationship cooperation
The 19.2 kW EV Charger is built to last, featuring high-quality components that ensure reliable and efficient performance, the same as ниво 2 пуњач за електрични аутомобил innovated by PINGALAX. We stand behind our product and offer a comprehensive warranty to give you peace of mind. If you ever encounter any issues with your charger, our customer service team is available to assist you.