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Electric vehicles are rapidly gaining popularity across the globe. They do so because they are environmentally friendly and save fuel costs. Electric cars are important for a more environmentally friendly future and provide cleaner air for all those around them. One of the best things about driving electric vehicles is how much money people are going to save on gas. But there is a huge problem with owning electric cars, they take for ever to recharge. To avoid this scenario, a company named PINGALAX has brought out a new charger titled ngarkues i nivelit 2 ev. This new charger is for a faster charging of electric cars.
The 100kw EV charger is a shift-changer for Ev car drivers. This charger charges electric cars at a significantly higher speed compared to normal chargers. In fact, a PINGALAX 100kw charge can recharge an electric car in half an hour! It is a far cry from the old chargers that could take hours to charge a car. As a result, owners can now spare more time appreciating their electric cars instead of waiting for them to charge. This is particularly beneficial for busy individuals who require their cars prepared promptly.
The PINGALAX 100kw EV charger content for electric car industry very critical; This allows electric cars to cover longer distances without the anxiety of time-consuming fills. That means folks with electric cars can go on longer trips without needing to pull over for a lengthy charge. This means that they can charge their cars quickly at any point, which obviously makes long-distance travel much easier. That is huge since karikues portativ ev helps make electric cars suitable for a daily driver, whether it concerns going to your day job or simply heading out to have some fun every blue moon.
The 100kw charger EV is not only faster but also tends to have a better energy utilization. Normal Charge rate Chargers normally waste energy while charging, hence they are dangerous to the environment. However, the 100kw charger is more efficient thus save energy when charge evs. And it means good things for EV commuters by conserving energy and money. And it's more environmentally friendly — less energy waste equates to less environmental burden.
If you're looking for the quickest way to charge an electric car, then the 100kw EV charger is the number one choice. Sure, it is quick, and dependable, and performs exceedingly well. The new charging stations offer electric car owners the ability to charge their cars without having to worry that they will be waiting too long, letting them enjoy their vehicles even more. For those looking to get the most out of their electric vehicles, the karikues i tipit 2 ev makes an outstanding candidate for fast charge point solutions due to these speed and efficiency.
Support 100kw ev charger for charging pile products. Support for multiples charging methods.Fast DC charging piles chargers, compatible with the majority of new models available. The chargers can be switched between 12V/24V. Charge piles that have capacities ranging from 3.5kW to 640kW are offered. Several products have received GB as well CE certifications. Charge piles can sets up using a self-developed charging management systems is able be linked with other management platforms and the system's massive data monitoring capabilities can provides efficient support for the operations of stations. Tests for products that are strict: We apply strict tests to all products, including salt spray tests, electrical performance test, waterproof test testing, radiation harassment tests transportation test and so on. To ensures the quality of the charging piles that come from the sources.
Zhvillimi i kërkimit me aftësi të forta teknike. Personeli i R&D përbëhet nga 60%, të cilët ekspertët e teknologjisë së karikuesit 100kw ev, kontrolli me cilësi të lartë në fazën e procesit (R&D i pavarur, prodhimi, shitjet) Dizajni i grumbullit të karikimit me një ndalesë të disponueshëm shërbimi, R&D, prodhimi, instalimi, funksionimi pas shitjes. Kompania aplikoi intelektuale të drejtat pronësore 212 forma të ndryshme (107 të dhëna ligjërisht) 105 patentaKrijuan marrëdhënie bashkëpunuese më shumë 100 kompani në mbarë globin
Nëpërmjet inspektimeve ditore të të dhënave të karikuesit 100 kw ev, ne jemi në gjendje të ofrojmë zgjidhje efikase të problemeve. Përsëritja e produktit në bazë të vazhdueshme Departamenti teknik i shikon problemet përmes grumbullit të karikimit përditëson vazhdimisht produktin kryen përsëritjet e produktit në baza të rregullta. Mbështetje teknike profesionale pas shitjes: Ne kemi bazë të qëndrueshme ekipi teknik. Sasia e ekipit teknik përbën mbi 60 për qind të shumës totale të punonjësve të kompanisë sonë, ata kanë qenë industria e tarifimit të teknologjisë së grumbullimit për një kohë të gjatë, ofrojnë shërbime teknike të besueshme efektive.
Shefi i Teknologjisë Thelbësore të Karikuesit të Automjeteve Elektrike, Vetë-Kërkimi, Prodhimi dhe Përdorimi: Çipat, Njësitë e Kontrollit të Moduleve të Energjisë dhe karikuesi 100 kw ev. Ndihmë për të ndërtuar një fabrikë karikuesish EV, Partner biznesi OEM/ODM/Ri-etiketë, Mbështetje Teknike Inxhinierike për Stacionin e Karikimit të EV në ndërtim.