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सम्पर्कमा रहनुहोस्

350 kw dc चार्जर

Hello kids! Welcome back ExplorersToday we are going to learn about electric cars and a unique charger that allows them charge super fast. That charger is the 350 kW DC charger! What makes this charger so cool and significant..

It is a special machine that can be used to charge electric cars quickly, with the 350 kW DC charger being commercially available. The car gets filled up by using a kind of electricity named Direct Current(DC). It is not the charger similar to that you might use at home with Alternating Current, or AC. It could be considered as another way of "putting energy into the car". Electrify Canada also outlined that DC is the quicker charger, and AC takes a long time.

How the 350 kW DC Charger Benefits the EV Industry

Long Story ShortThe DC charger (350 kW) is a major advancement for electric cars - It charges them really quick! This indicates that an electric car being driven to the ground would not force you at a long pay between stops. Just think how beautiful it would be if you could charge your cars battery quickly and start the journey again! So as more people buy electric cars, those are badly needed placing charging stations. More cars can be charged in less time with a fast charger like this one. And this benefits all electric car drivers!

किन PINGALAX 350 kw dc चार्जर रोज्ने?

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