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60 кВт тогтмол гүйдлийн цэнэглэгч

You know of the 60kw DC charger? If you have got 200,000 miles on your electric taxicab and decide you do not want to replace the battery pack just yet another good candidate for fast charging, as well as the PINGALAX's хамгийн шилдэг цэнэглэгч. If you want to know more about the 60kw DC charger and how it is beneficial for any electric car owner or why charging your EV just got simpler, then read on this text.

The Powerful 60kw DC Charger

It stores somewhere electric vehicles can get charge up, 60kw DC charger, same with the хурдан цэнэглэх станцууд made by PINGALAX. It can deliver around 22 kW, more than most chargers. Up to 60 kilowatts of power from the 60kw DC charger. This is enough to charge most electric cars in only 20-30 minutes. Which is substantially faster than many other charging solutions.

Яагаад PINGALAX 60kw DC цэнэглэгчийг сонгох вэ?

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