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11.5 kw patina

New technology we are seeing today is making electric cars more popular every day. Not only are they a blast to drive, but good for the environment too! Electric cars need to be charged! That's right! The 11.5 kw charger to the rescue!

However, a very special machine named the 11.5 kw charger is provided with it which can charge electric cars in less than half an hour and also unlike others on this list of wall car chargers its bulky size may take lot more space to install! Fast, and I mean really fast charging - for your electric car! With this charger, you will get the car charged in a few minutes. So that you can get back behind the wheel and drive around town to see friends or go out with your favourite eatery right away.

The power-packed, 11.5 kw charger for electric cars

The charger at 11.5 kw is, as I mentioned above, really more strong and performing than very good That is actually stronger than most chargers out there! This way, the battery of your car could even get charge faster. Well, if you cannot afford much stopping on long trips than this is the perfect charger for you!

Quorsum elige PINGALAX 11.5 kw patina?

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