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Cars are changing because the world is changing. We used to have cars that ran on gasoline, a fuel derived from oil. Enter electric cars - which are an entirely different type of vehicle. Gas () Powered No gas at all (it's ELECTRIC!) As such, they are not powered by water but driven using electricity. In fact, they require a charger to top up their "batteries" - just like we need the chargers for our mobile devices.
The 15kw EV charger is a popular example of an electric car charging station type. This charger is very useful due to its ease of charging your car. 15kw charger will not let you stand for a long time and quickly get the car ready to move. It just makes the whole process WAY easier!
Even a 15 kw charger for your home to top off in the garage if you have an EV. Best suited for daily-electric car users. You plug it in at home, and it charges your car while you sleep. This charger is also for businesses with electric car parking lots. The service is especially designed for businesses looking to accommodate employees or customers that drive electric vehicles. The charger has a power at 15kw which achieves efficient and fast charging times for all legacy vehicles.
The 15kw would get your electric car in a few minutes of charging only! Is that much faster than a common regular home electric socket. For most cars, a standard socket takes about 8 hours to fully charge your car which is pretty unhandy if you need hit the round soon. However, with the 15kw charger - you can get as much energy into your car within that period of time again and hit a full state of charge in about thirty minutes. That’s a big difference!
3: 15kw EV chargerThis is a great alternative for those who have lesser use of their vehicles. The most convenient aspect of it is that it has portability It allows you to carry it around in your luggage when traveling or for visits. It also fast charges your car so you do not have to charge and wait too much ( which is good if are in hurry)
Installation of the charger is also quite simple, one piece being a good wall-mount. There is no need to hire Electologist specifically for its installation. Do it yourself, no problem, some basic knowledge on how to connect things and you are set. This is a cost saving and time-saving measure. It is also very easy to use. Simply plug it in and you can start charging your car right away. NO: No tricky directions to make your way through.
Elektrisõidukite laadijate, 15 kW võimsusega elektrilaadijate, komponentide (nt kiibid, toitemoodulite kontrollerid ja laadimishaldussüsteemid) väljatöötamise ja kasutamise põhitehnoloogia juht. Toetage elektrisõidukite laadijate tehase ehitamist, märgistage ümber / originaalseadmete valmistaja / originaaltootja äripartner, Ehituslike elektrisõidukite laadimisjaama tehniline tugi.
Toetage OEM/ODM-i kohandatud teenuseid hunnikutoodete laadimiseks. Toetatud on erinevad 15kw ev laadijad. Kiirlaadimisega laadijad alalisvoolu jaoks, mis ühilduvad enamiku saadaolevate uute energiamudelitega. See võib lülituda 12 V ja 24 V vahel. Saadaval on laadimisvaiade võimsused vahemikus 3.5 kW kuni 640 kW. Paljudele toodetele on omistatud GB ja CE sertifikaat. Laadimisvaiad on konfigureeritud kasutaja poolt välja töötatud laadimissüsteemidega, mida saab siduda erinevate haldusplatvormidega. Testid toodetele, mis on ranged: Rakendame kõikidele toodetele rangeid teste, nagu soolapihustustestid, elektrilise jõudluse testid, veekindluse testid, samuti kiirguse ahistamise testid, transporditestid jne. Laadimishunnikute terviklikkuse tagamiseks. Meie hankime laadimise.
Highly 15kw ev charger technical capabilities research development. R&D personnel make up 60% the company's workforce, focusing core technology, high-quality control at stage the process (independent R&D, production, sales)provide one-stop service charge pile design, R&D, production, installation, operation after-salesalesThe company filed received 105 patents well 107 intellectual property rights (107 licensed) well 212 additional intellectual property rights.More 100 corporations around the world formed relationship cooperation
Tõhus tõrkeotsing: andmete kogumise tõrked ilmnevad igapäevases tööstsenaariumis. Igapäevaste kontrollide abil pakume toodete ebaõnnestumist ja 24-tunnist müügijärgset tuge, mis aitavad tõhusalt toime tulla toote riketega.Toodet uuendatakse pidevalt Tehniline osakond analüüsib 15kw ev laadijat laadimishunnikut, uuendab toodet pidevalt, teostab perioodilisi toote iteratsioone.Professionaalne tehniline järel müügiteeninduse meeskond Meie ettevõtte tugev tehniline meeskond. Tehniline meeskond moodustab üle 60 protsendi ettevõtte töötajate koguarvust. nad on pikka aega töötanud laadimisvaiade tehnoloogia valdkonnas ja pakuvad tõhusaid ja usaldusväärseid tehnilisi teenuseid.